Puerto Rico in Distress

ABI Analysis

Puerto Rico’s financial oversight board filed a plan to restructure about $9 billion of power utility debt after failing to reach a deal with bondholders, signaling the agency’s five-year bankruptcy will take even longer to resolve, Bloomberg News reported.

Luma Energy won approval from Puerto Rico’s financial oversight board for a contract extension to run the island’s government-owned power grid amid criticism that the historically fragile electric system remains unreliable, Bloomberg News reported.

Puerto Rico’s bankrupt public electric utility, which powers most of the island, faces a Dec. 1 deadline to file a debt-cutting proposal to the court, a time limit that could prove a turning point in its five-year workout, Bloomberg News reported.

A Canadian-American consortium swept into Puerto Rico last year with promises to transform the island’s antiquated power grid. Many residents welcomed the change, tired of subpar service from a state-run utility that left them in darkness for months after a strong hurricane five years ago.

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