Puerto Rico in Distress

ABI Analysis

Puerto Rico’s $72 billion debt saga has become a booming business for Washington, D.C., lobbyists, who are developing websites, creating advertisements and lining up the support of conservative advocacy groups, Bloomberg News reported today.

Puerto Rico’s descent into junk has made its bonds more attractive to Goldman Sachs Asset Management and OppenheimerFunds Inc. even as their rivals flee, Bloomberg News reported yesterday. Goldman Sachs increased its stake in Puerto Rico bonds to $1.3 billion as of May 5 from $351 million in February 2014, when the island was cut to speculative grade, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

A judge last week approved the $17.25 million sale of Doral Financial Corp.’s insurance arm to Popular Insurance LLC, which won a competitive auction earlier this month for the business, the Wall Street Journal reported today. The order was signed on Friday by Bankruptcy Judge Shelley C. Chapman.

Puerto Rico’s Senate approved a bill, with amendments, that increases the cash-strapped island’s sales tax, potentially raising revenue that will help balance the fiscal 2016 budget, Bloomberg News reported today. The Senate passed (14-12) the measure yesterday with an amendment to exempt certain processed foods.