Puerto Rico in Distress

ABI Analysis

The White House is not considering a financial bailout for Puerto Rico, where chronic fiscal challenges have raised the specter of a Detroit-like bankruptcy, an Obama administration official said yesterday, Reuters reported. The island's woes have led credit rating agencies to say that they are considering labeling the U.S. territory's general obligation debt as junk bonds.

Puerto Rico, which is battling a financial crisis of high unemployment and a crushing debt load, is under pressure to show investors and credit-rating agencies that it can still borrow money from the capital markets, the New York Times DealBook blog reported yesterday.

The owner of the Scrub Island resort in the British Virgin Islands is fighting its lender to use U.S. bankruptcy protection to rework its more than $130 million worth of debt, the Wall Street Journal reported today.

FirstBank Puerto Rico asked a court to dismiss a bankruptcy case filed by the owner of a luxury Caribbean island resort, saying that it is interfering with an ongoing effort to collect the more than $120 million it is owed, Dow Jones Daily Bankruptcy Review reported today.

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