
Two Bankruptcy Judges Address Splits on Two Major Preference Issues

Does Rule 9006(a) expand the 30-day window for perfection, and can perfection be “substantially contemporaneous” even if perfection occurs after 30 days?

Majority of Courts Still Permit Small-Dollar Avoidance Suits in the Debtor’s Home Court

New York district judge agrees with the ABI Journal: Congress did not succeed in requiring trustees to file small-dollar avoidance actions in the defendant’s district.

The Date of Service of a Writ of Garnishment Is the Date of Transfer of a Preference

Circuits are split on the date of transfer resulting from a garnishment.

New York Decision Shows that Merit Management Is a Dead Letter

The expansive definition of a ‘financial institution’ allows fraudulent transfers to be structured so that no one will ever be held liable.

Beware: Closing a Case Quickly Can Preclude Filing New Avoidance Actions

Judge Thuma describes nonstatutory exceptions to the statutes of limitations in Sections 546(a) and 550(f).

BAP Didn’t See Barnhill as Prescribing the Date of Transfer from a Retirement Account

The First Circuit BAP evidently believes that a transfer occurred, even though an ordinary check wasn’t cashed.

Supreme Court Ducks Equitable Mootness and Third-Party Releases

The case from the Third Circuit was not a good vehicle for granting certiorari on either issue, even though there is a circuit split on nonconsensual, third-party releases.
