Asset Sales Committee


Post date: Thursday, January 16, 2025
Photo of Asset Sales Committee
Asset Sales Committee

Nomination Deadline: February 28, 2025


  • Completion of a distressed sale (in or outside of court via § 363, a plan, an assignment for benefit of creditors, Article 9, receivership, etc.) that was strategic and provided stakeholders with value (“Sale”);
Post date: Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Photo of Matthew J. LoCascio
Matthew J. LoCascio

As we wrap up another incredible year, we wanted to take a moment to thank all of our members and reflect on our accomplishments together. It's been a year of growth, challenges and successes, and we're excited to share the highlights with you in this final newsletter of 2024.

Post date: Thursday, June 06, 2024
Photo of Matthew J. LoCascio
Matthew J. LoCascio

Co-Chairs’ Corner

Hello and thank you to our existing members, and a warm welcome to those who have recently joined us. We hope this newsletter finds you well, and we look forward to seeing all of you in the coming year.

Post date: Thursday, June 06, 2024

Launched in 2014, Shift Technologies was a consumer-centric, omnichannel retailer for buying and selling used cars with the goal of improving the customer car-buying experience.[1] The company went public in 2020 via a de-SPAC merger and thereafter effectuated a number of strategic acquisitions, including the acquisition of complementa

Post date: Thursday, June 06, 2024

More than half of the private hospitals in this country are run by nonprofits.[1] In California, that figure may exceed 70%.[2] It has been well documented that health care bankruptcies are on the rise, and that these health care bankruptcies often result in the sale of substa

Post date: Thursday, June 06, 2024

The use of social media accounts by companies is now commonplace, and these social media accounts have themselves become valuable assets.[1] In a recent bankruptcy case, the debtor company sought to sell substantially all of its assets, and the bankruptcy court had to analyze who owned the debtor’s social media accounts: the debtor, or

Post date: Monday, December 11, 2023
Photo of Asset Sales Committee
Asset Sales Committee

Nomination Deadline: March 18, 2024


  • Completion of a distressed sale (in or outside of court via § 363, a plan, an assignment for benefit of creditors, Article 9, receivership, etc.) that was strategic and provided stakeholders with value (“Sale”);
Post date: Thursday, December 07, 2023

In business restructuring and chapter 11 cases, it’s not all that unusual at the outset for  professionals to exclaim at some juncture, “You want me to do what…?” That was the question prior to the initiation of the Laforta-Gestao e Investimentos, Sociedade Unipessol, Lda., et al.

Post date: Thursday, December 07, 2023

ABI’s Asset Sales Committee awarded the 2022 Asset Sale of the Year Award to counsel for the stakeholders involved in the successful 11 U.S.C. § 363 sale of the assets and interests of chapter 11 debtor Haven Campus Communities-Starkville, LLC in In re Haven Campus Communities-Starkville, LLC, which came before Hon. Selene Maddox of the U.S.

Post date: Friday, December 01, 2023

On April 21, 2023, ABI’s Asset Sales Committee announced that the 2022 Asset Sale of the Year was awarded to the case of In re Electric Last Mile Solutions Inc., et al. (Bankr. D. Del. Case 22-10537-MFW), for the sale of substantially all its assets to Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN).


Fri, 2024-12-13

Several U.S. bankruptcy courts recently have recognized CCAA reverse vesting orders in chapter 15 cases, but not without some reservations as to their breadth and effect. This panel will discuss the use of reverse vesting orders to effect asset sales in cross-border transactions.

Mon, 2024-09-23

The recipients of ABI's 2023 Health Care Asset Sale of the Year award will discuss the company's threatened suspension by the California Medi-Cal program and the execution of a strategy that initially had led to court orders stopping the suspension, then later culminated in the sale of assets. Hear specifically how Borrego's professionals navigated complex health care, regulatory and bankruptcy issues, which ultimately resulted in a settlement and sale that ensured the continuation of high-quality, culturally competent care to Borrego's patients and a substantial recovery for creditors.

Sat, 2024-04-20

This panel will identify the unique issues that come into play in health care asset sales, from hospitals to senior living facilities. The panelists will address closing challenges, regulatory issues, HIPPA/privacy issues, Opco/Propco issues and much more.

Mon, 2023-04-24

This panel will discuss what happens when lenders default on paying borrowers for non-monetary reasons, such as covenant or compliance violations on real estate loans like debt-coverage-ratio violations. The lenders’ goal is to regain possession of the real estate for investment purposes and deploy it at higher interest rates. The panelists will discuss the impact and efficacy of this strategy from all angles: institutional lender-side, borrower-side and investor-side.

Wed, 2023-02-08

On February 8, 2023, Evelyn Meltzer and Kyle Ortiz, co-chairs for the International Committee, co-hosted the 2023 Look Ahead with members of the Asset Sales Committee. Evelyn and Kyle discussed what the committee has been up to as well as future events and speaking and writing opportunities for committee members. Click here to watch the video of this event.

Sat, 2022-12-10

This panel will discuss some of the more interesting aspects of the asset-recovery process as it relates to locating foreign assets (i.e., Russian yachts). The panelists also will focus on post-COVID-19 issues, including situations where banks were not monitoring collateral as closely as they should have been and are now having trouble locating said assets and selling them, particularly in international cases where the bankruptcy is abroad but the parties are seeking recognition in the U.S.

Fri, 2022-04-29

This panel will focus on covering lenders’ perspectives on chapter 11 strategy and options, such as note sales, out-of-court restructurings or formal bankruptcy sales, and will discuss lenders’ and borrowers’ perspectives on regulatory challenges and procedural issues, such as anti-trust and environmental concerns, that are sometimes raised during a bankruptcy case, as well as issues with § 363 sales, DIP milestones and restructuring support agreements.

Tue, 2020-01-28

Marijuana-related businesses are being denied access to bankruptcy relief in all but a tiny handful of cases. This webinar will discuss prospects for success in bankruptcy court, available alternative methods of affording relief to troubled cannabis businesses, and possibilities for changes in the regulatory climate.

Thu, 2019-10-10

We will take a deeper dive into some of the more interesting and unique local rules that practitioners should be aware of when completing assets sales in various districts. The panelists will also discuss the need for local rules, differences across jurisdictions, and the process for revisions and implementation.

Thu, 2019-06-20

Hosted by the Asset Sales and Financial Advisors and Investment Banking Committees. FAs, IBs, RE advisors, attorneys: too many cooks in the kitchen? This panel will discuss the anatomy of the bankruptcy sales process and focus on optimizing value by drawing on the resource skills of attorneys, investment banks, financial advisors and real estate advisors.


Mr. Matthew J. LoCascio
SC&H Capital
Columbia, MD
(443) 951-4846

Ms. Randye B. Soref
Los Angeles, CA
(310) 556-1801

Mrs. Hayley G. Harrison
Communications Manager
Wernick Law PLLC
Miami, FL
(561) 961-0922

Ms. Jane Kim
Education Director
Keller Benvenutti Kim LLP
San Francisco, CA
(415) 364-6793

Mr. William Hao
Membership Relations Director
Alston & Bird LLP
New York, NY
(212) 210-9417

Mr. Christopher M. Candon
Newsletter Editor
Sheehan Phinney
Manchester, NH
(603) 627-8168

Mr. Steven L. Victor
Special Projects Leader
Development Specialists, Inc.
Chicago, IL
(312) 263-4141

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