Benchnotes December 2017
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 105, 3301, the Debtor and the Estate›Subchapter I - Creditors and Claims›503
Benchnotes Jul 2013
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 502, 506, 507, 521, 523, 524, 542, 1111, 1125, 1141
Bankruptcy Rule: 2013, 3003, 3017, 3018, 9011, 9019
1129(e) The Pernicious Little Provision in Small Business Cases
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 1121, 1125, 1129
Bankruptcy Rule: 2013, 3016, 3017, 3017.1
Benchnotes Oct 2012
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 109, 303, 323, 502, 523, 1111, 1521
Bankruptcy Rule: 548, 550, 2012, 3017, 9019
Disclosure Flaws Fatal to Planned Indenture Trustee Release
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 1123, 1124, 1125, 1129
Bankruptcy Rule: 1126, 2012, 3016, 3017, 9019
Expediting Chapter 11 Liquidating Debtors Distribution to Creditors
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 105, 305, 1112, 1125, 1141
Bankruptcy Rule: 2002, 2012, 3017