Defining the Role of the CRO The Strategic and Tactical Benefits of a Seasoned Professional
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: 2005, none, none
Ten Principles of BAPCPA Not What Was Advertised
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 528, 547, 707, 1325, 1326, 1328
Bankruptcy Rule: none, 2005
Corporate Rescue: An Overview of Recent Developments from Selected Countries in Europe
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: none
Bankruptcy Rule: 2005
Title 28s Exception to the Automatic Stay When Do You Need Relief
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 1107, 1108, 363
Bankruptcy Rule: 2005, none
The Next Wave Why You Should Care About Credit Default Swaps
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: 2005, none, none
Two Round Holes and One Square Peg The Employment of Turnaround Consultants Under 327 and 363
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 327, 363
Bankruptcy Rule: 2005, none