“You’re Killing Me, Smalls!”: The Problem of the Nonparticipating Class in Subchapter V
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 1183, 1191, 1192, 1129
Navigating Zombies and Alter-Egos: Eleventh Circuit Reaffirms Standards for Receiver Standing
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: none
Come Together: The Unique Role of Subchapter V Trustees and the Cautionary Tale of 218 Jackson
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 1183, 101, 327
Getting Debtors Back to the Future: The Case for Abolishing the “Wet Ink” Signature Requirement
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: Bankruptcy Rule 9011, 1008, 5005
A Rose by Any Other Name: Eleventh Circuit Construes a Motion Objecting to the Dischargeability of a Debt as a “Complaint”
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 523, 4007, 7001, 7007, 7008, 7015