Settling the Municipal Landscape How Pre-Plan Settlements in Chapter 9 May Sidestep the Traditional Claims-Resolution Process
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 903, 904
Bankruptcy Rule: 2013, 9019
Growing Trend Recent Cases Say that Electricity Is a Good
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 503
Bankruptcy Rule: none, 2012, valuation
Litigation Strategy Cost-Shifting and Offers of Judgment The Underutilized Rule 68 Device
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: none
Bankruptcy Rule: 2011
Retention Payment of Bankruptcy Professionals Dont Become a Donor to the Estate
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 327, 328, 330
Bankruptcy Rule: 2010, 2014
Must a Secured Creditor Pay to Play in Chapter 11
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 363
Bankruptcy Rule: 2009, none