Florida Southern District

Paying Fees from Retainers Doesn’t Require Adequate Protection for Lenders

Judge Erik Kimball explains why retainers are free of lenders’ liens.

Two-Year Delay in Confirmation Requires Holding Another Valuation Hearing

Passage of time converts a final order into an interlocutory order.

Florida Judge Extends a Trustee’s Statute of Limitations to 10 Years

Courts split on giving trustees the IRS’ 10-year statute of limitations for avoidance actions.

Courts Split on Whether Surrender Entails Waiver of Defenses to Foreclosure

Gutsy Judge Laurel Isicoff disagrees with district and bankruptcy judges in her district.

Surrendering Property Precludes a Debtor from Opposing Foreclosure

Florida judge closes loophole on a debtor’s duty to “perform his intention” regarding surrender.

District Judge Puts Limits on Policy Statement in Segal v. Rochelle

Continuing FLSA claims arising after filing are not subject to judicial estoppel.

Florida Bankruptcy Judge Splits with Seventh Circuit on Attorney/Client Privilege

Client questionnaires are held to be protected by the attorney/client privilege.
